Wednesday 21 November 2012

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
-         U.S. President John F. Kennedy

Habit 7 is all about keeping your personal-self sharp so that you can better deal with your life. It means regularly renewing and strengthening the four key dimensions of your life – your body, your brain, your hart, and your soul.
Just like a car, you need regular tune ups to keep you preforming like new, so relax, slow down, and sharpen the saw. 

Caring for your body:  

1.     Eat good food
2.     Relax in the bathtub
3.     Bike/run
4.     Lift weights
5.     Get enough sleep
6.     Practice Yoga
7.     Play sports
8.     Take walks
9.     Stretch out
10.    Do an aerobics workout
There’s much truth to the expression you are what you eat. Good tips to a healthy diet: listen to your body, and be moderate and avoid extremes.
Pay careful attention to how different foods make you feel and form that develop your own handful of do’s and don’ts. Everyone responds differently to foods.
For many of us, it’s easier to be extreme than to me moderate.  The food pyramid is a balanced and moderate approach to nutrition. Remember, foods affects mood. So eat with care.
Caring for your Brain:
There are many ways to expand your mind. However, the best approach may simply be to read. Here are some ways to sharpen your mind:

·        Read the newspaper
·        Subscribe to National Geographic
·        Travel
·        Plant a garden
·        Observe wild life
·        Attend a lecture on an interesting topic
·        Watch the Discovery Channel
·        Visit a library
·        Listen to the news
·        Research your ancestors
·        Write a story, poem, or song
·        Play challenging board games
·        Debate
·        Play a game of chess
·        Visit a museum
·        Comment in class
·        Learn to play a musical instrument
·        Solve crossword puzzles

Caring for your Hart:
The best way to sharpen the saw and norish your heart is to focus on building relationships. 

RBA (Relationship Bank Account)
·        Keep promises
·        Do small acts of kindness
·        Be loyal
·        Listen
·        Say you’re sorry
·        Set clear expectations

PBA (Personal Bank Account)
·        Keep promises to yourself
·        Do small acts of kindness
·        Be gentle with yourself
·        Be honest
·        Renew yourself
·        Tap into our talents 

Caring for your Soul:
Your soul is a very private area of your life. Naturally, there are many different ways to feed it. Here are some ideas:
·        Meditating
·        Serving others
·        Writing in your journal
·        Going for a walk
·        Reading inspiring books
·        Drawing
·        Praying
·        Writing poetry or music
·        Thinking deeply
·        Listening to uplifting music
·        Playing a musical instrument
·        Talking to friends
·        Reflecting on your goals or mission statement

Abraham Lincoln was once asked, “What would you do if you had eight hours to cut down a tree?” He replied, “I’d spend the first four sharpening my saw.” 

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